This was a hard one to call...

Ah, the choices we make. I was given the choice today of paying $1.61 for a sandwich and 3 cookies today at Subway. The high school girl forgot to add in the sandwich (which was actually on 'special' that day-$1.50 off) and now I was faced with this decision of getting away w/a free sandwich or calling her out and asking her to include it. Being in my mid 20's I've been in her shoes before having someone pay a fraction of what they really owed me and me not figuring it out until later in the night.
In the grand scheme of things would it have been such a big deal?
I would have woken up in cold sweat wondering how God was going to get back at me for taking advantage of $2.50 worth of wool I pulled over Subways eyes. I have to chuckle to myself that I thought of so much in such a short period of time.
Don't you ever call me that. If I'm ever at a baseball game and need the time I'll give you a call, you knucklenuts.
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